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About Us

About Us

Hello! My name is Chantel. I am a Wife, Mom, a rockin’ girl boss, and a ginormous supporter of loving and respecting yourself and others. I started CeeBee’s, but my family has helped me sustain it with so much support, love, and free labor. The gratitude I feel for them, and for every single customer and supporter, overwhelms me.

If you read our story and feel inspired, let us know! 


The dream of CeeBee's took root in a young girl’s mind when her Mom bought her a book that showed young women how to care for their hair, skin, and basic hygiene, how to apply makeup, and how to take care of their emotional and physical health. She’d found she was good at a lot of things and possessed a love for those things, and so had dreams of becoming an archaeologist, an actress, a lawyer, a model, a writer, and even a gospel or country singer at one time, but she kept going back to that book that sparked something in her. She was a girl who loved to make people smile and laugh, and would sometimes go to great lengths to accomplish it. She’d learned to do impersonations, do stand-up skits, dress up in homemade costumes and come to school in character, just to make people laugh. She sang and acted in plays for school and church simply to entertain. It made her feel good when she could make people smile, because that meant they didn’t feel bad in that moment and could maybe smile about it later. With her dream, her love of people and making them a little lighter, she went to college after graduation to be an aesthetician, that way she could combine everythng she loved doing most. Her plan was to create a business where she could help people feel better and love themselves through beauty. If she could make people see the beauty she saw and show them how to care for themselves more thoughtfully, spread some love, and make money doing it, then she knew she’d be successful and fulfilled. 

Fast-forward almost 30 years later - after 3 children, 4 brain surgeries, numerous health problems that limited every aspect of her life, and other pit stops, it would be a bottle of lotion, a tub of face cream, and a bar of soap that would ignite the spark once again. After developing allergic reactions to her everyday skincare and hygiene products, and visits to her dermatologist, she dove into research. She was shocked to learn of all the chemicals in the products we use everyday - chemicals that could cause damage, not only to our skin, but also to our overall health . She’d learned that more money was spent on marketing a product, rather than the quality of a product, so that meant cheap, unnecessary fillers and dangerous chemicals were added to give the illusion of benefits, instead of ingredients that would do the job you paid it to do. In her research, she learned how to create products that would actually give her the benefits she needed and could use without the worry of allergic reactions or harmful chemicals. She tested them by using them on herself, then gave them to her family and friends to use. Once people started using and loving her products, they asked her to make products for them, and CeeBee’s was born from there. Now, she gets to fulfill a long-time dream by doing her best to create products with meaningful ingredients, free of unnecessary chemicals and fillers, but is also using those products to inject a little love and joy into people’s lives, along with a little silliness, because we should never take ourselves too seriously. That’s where the “Gunk” comes in. That part of our name is to show that we don’t take ourselves too seriously like a lot of companies. Our products are serious - seriously awesome - but seriously, we want you to feel comfortable enough to be yourself and be proud that you’re using our Gunk!


CeeBee’s was started because of a love of beauty - the beauty of loving yourself and others, caring for yourself, and the love of bringing joy into the lives of others. We hope our products will bring you a little joy and allow you to love and care for yourself, especially on those days where it’s harder to remember you are beautiful and amazing. On those days, we should be mindful of our self-care more than ever. If you’re not healthy physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually, you’ll be unable to care for anyone else in a healthy way. Never feel selfish for taking care of you first! When a flight attendant on an airplane goes over safety protocols for a crash, they tell us to put an oxygen mask on ourselves first, then place a mask on anyone in our care, because if you don’t take care of yourself first, you won’t be around or healthy enough to care for those you love. Hope that helps you realize how important you are.

Thank you for supporting that little girl’s dream of helping people love themselves, find their smile and their beauty, and spread some love along the way. Our business may be small, but we have a huge heart for people, which means you! You are the reason we exist, and we vow to never end our education and research to bring you amazing products that help you love yourself and give you joy. Whether you’re buying for yourself or giving a sweet-smelling gift, we thank you, appreciate you, and love you. And remember, you matter and someone is happy you exist.

If you ever have any questions, or you just need a word of encouragement, please let us know.